Ocushieldme bring the world's only medically accredited blue light (MHRA) screen protectors & glasses to the Middle East...Sleep Better, Feel Better...
Expert Approved Blue Light Filters
The developers of Ocushield® care about your health. That's why together we've built a community network of experts in eye care, sleep and blue light to understand the problems fully and find viable solutions to keep us safe and well. Our medically (FDA & MHRA) rated screen protectors filter out harmful blue light, to protect your eyes, skin and help you sleep better but don't take our word for it...just ask any of the below experts what they think about blue light, the importance of sleep and safe guarding our well-being...
Medically Rated
Blue Light Blockers
Our medically (FDA & MHRA) rated screen protectors filter out harmful blue light, to protect your eyes, skin and help you sleep better. Don't take our word for it...just ask any of the below experts what they think about blue light and sleep and safe guarding well-being!